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Alasdair Rees: Duet

Alasdair Rees weaves poetry into compelling performance and moving-image works. His project, Duet, incorporates text, performance and objects that combine references from video games, art history, literature and mythology to explore themes of transformation, growth and the formation of identity.

The artist has developed a performance that draws from video game imagery as well as Picasso’s Tête de Faune. Rees will perform in the Connect Gallery on the second Saturday of each month at 1 PM: July 8, August 12, September 9, October 14.

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Connect Gallery

About the Artist

Alasdair Rees is a writer and performer based in Saskatoon. His work investigates the connections that knit together the human world, the natural world, and the world of words, while foregrounding his lived experience as a queer person. He was Saskatchewan’s first Youth Poet Laureate and his debut collection of poetry, Mon écologie, was released 2021. Rees was a participating artist in the Sustained Artist Engagement program at Remai Modern in 2021-2022.

August 12, 2023 at 1:00PM